Unless …

"Finally," Luffy sighed and looked at the door. "Come on, Saul. We can’t lose our manners when the guests come."
"Who … who’s here?" Puerto Rican voice trembled again. He looked at the wooden door.
I have a vague feeling that things seem extraordinary tonight.
This seems to be more than just attacking the Noxas …
"Save your life," Luffy replied.
"Help … help me?" Puerto Rico is even more confused, and he is not a big shot. Who will save himself?
"Sol Gate" Luffy Repeat
Saul hesitated for a long time holding the knife in his hand and finally hit the door.
The excellent wooden door didn’t make much noise.
Outside, a man with blindfolded eyes was there with a friendly smile on his face.
"there you are at last, dear Captain Jack." Luffy looked at Chen Senran outside the door and there was no accident. "Please come in."
"Thank you. I hope I didn’t disturb you." Chen Senran walked into the cabin step by step and stepped on the scarlet carpet, as if he hadn’t noticed the samurai who had clenched his double knives.
"Jay … Jack’s adult" Puerto Rico swallowed and never dreamed that it was this person.
"Drink? Jack, you must be very lucky to come all the way. "Luffy took out another cup and pushed it backwards for Chen Senran, and pulled up a chair." Please sit by the door. "
The door was reset.
The whole iron and steel cabin was cold.
Puerto Rico’s head stood on end when he looked at two silent pirates in front of him.
"Thank you" Chen Senran sat down and picked up the glass of wine at the same time.
"Aren’t you afraid of poison?" Puerto Rico didn’t know where the courage came from and suddenly asked
He finally understood that they were afraid of quarreling.
"Yeah, Jack, aren’t you afraid of poison?" Luffy was not angry, so he went on to Puerto Rico and said, "I’m waiting for you here."
He said that when he was waiting, Sol had successfully drawn his waist long knife behind Chen Senran.
"I came alone" Chen Senran put the glass on the table and praised "good wine"
I came alone.
This sentence made Luffy, Puerto Rico or Sol stunned.
They looked at the blind man again.
Suddenly some deep fear in my heart.
Did he come alone?
"You …" Luffy suddenly felt that he would lose.
His original Chen Senran came by the Ghost Deep, and he planted all his own people in the main ship. He has even ordered anyone to dare to approach him.
But now the other party is actually coming alone.
No wonder he didn’t hear anything.
The blind man crossed ten nautical miles alone, broke through his best hand and knocked on his door with a smile.
This blind man
"Well …" Chen Senran took a deep breath and suddenly looked at Puerto Rico.
"Do you want to die or live?"
Say to him? to be continued
Ps 2 nd Geng
Page ninety-nine results
In February, the spring breeze blew from the sea, still with the chill of spring.
Chen Senran was alone in the bow smelling the morning air.
Bill Giwater will be here soon, right?
This is the tenth day since they left Ionia, and it has been a long time since that bloody night.
It should be a sad night for all pirates.
Because just ten days ago, the fog enveloped the night, and more than 60 pirate ships formed an expedition army and were wiped out.
More than a ship, the Ghost Deep, gathered some defeated troops and barely escaped from the encirclement.
According to the recollection of a pirate who narrowly escaped, it is really a way to escape from hell forever.
At night, when all pirates are sleepy, the attack begins with launching several small three-masted sailboats in the northwest corner to protect the area, which are directly blown into dregs by powerful artillery.
Before everyone could react, the second wave of attacks rang again in the northwest corner.
Several four-masted sailboats were ready to make some counter-attacks, but the fog was too heavy and the other side attacked too quickly. In less than ten minutes, the northwest corner was also broken.
Although the disturbed pirates have entered a state of surface defense, it is too abrupt to resist the enemy’s attack. In addition, this batch of pirates who follow Luffy’s expedition is not an elite. Once faced with such an attack, they immediately fell into a state of collapse.
Because Luffy left the whole fleet without a unified command group, no one wanted to listen to anyone, and everyone fought separately, which led to the terrible consequences in the end.

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随着生活节奏的加快,都市生活中的压力与疲惫成为常态。为了帮助您在繁忙的工作之余找到一处身心放松的港湾,本文为您推荐上海几处优质的SPA与桑拿场所,让您在享受舒适体验的同时,焕发新的活力。 一、俏玲珑高端SPA会所 俏玲珑高端SPA会所,位于上海繁华地段,以其独特的古典中式风格和精湛的理疗技术,成为都市精英们放松身心的首选之地。会所内设有多个独立的空间,环境优雅,光线柔和,让您在宁静的氛围中彻底放松。 推荐项目:穿越时光的隧道,感受旧世的风姿。通过泡脚养生、温泉SPA等特色项目,帮助您缓解压力,改善睡眠,提升免疫力。 二、晚欲雪高端SPA会所 晚欲雪高端SPA会所,融合了当地风格特色,每一处都透露着别样的风情。会所以五星级酒店卫生标准要求,所有一次性用品均选用高档、无害卫生用品,确保您的健康与舒适。 推荐项目:晚欲雪特色项目与当地风格相结合,如水疗养生、抗压减压等,让您在享受理疗的同时,品味生活的美好。 三、梵离莎高端SPA会所 梵离莎高端SPA会所,自2007年成立以来,以其独特的空间设计和专业的理疗技术,赢得了广大消费者的喜爱。会所内设有多个独立的空间,环境舒适,让您在宁静的氛围中享受身心的放松。 推荐项目:穿越时光的隧道,感受旧世的风姿。通过泡脚养生、温泉SPA等特色项目,帮助您缓解压力,改善睡眠,提升免疫力。 四、上海男士SPA水疗会所 上海男士SPA水疗会所,专为都市高端精英男士倾力打造。会所沿袭古老欧洲SPA源远流长的浪漫传统,秉持当今国际前沿的SPA潮流风尚,为都市高端精英男士提供桑拿、保健、高端水疗、特色SPA、按摩、养生、油压、茶道、催眠、身心调养于一体的专业养身服务。 推荐项目:高端男士休闲、上海男士按摩、上海男士养生、上海男士spa、上海男士水疗等,满足不同需求。 五、上海水疗中心 上海水疗中心位于上海繁华地段,环境高雅,设施先进。一进门就感受到温馨的氛围,舒适的音乐萦绕耳畔。中心提供全身按摩、泡脚养生、温泉SPA等多种独特的护理项目,满足不同需求。 推荐项目:旗舰项目——全身按摩,经过专业师傅精细的推拿,感觉疲劳一扫而空,浑身舒爽。 总结: 在上海,您可以选择适合自己的SPA与桑拿场所,享受身心愉悦的休闲之旅。通过这些专业的理疗服务,相信您能够缓解压力,焕发新的活力,迎接生活中的每一个挑战。


茶颜悦色位于上海市中心的一处繁华街区,店面不大,却充满了文艺气息。步入店内,首先映入眼帘的是那精心布置的店面,复古的装饰、木质桌椅,仿佛让人穿越到了古代的茶楼。在这里,你可以尽情地享受茶香与美食的碰撞。 这家茶饮店的招牌饮品是“桃花源记”,选用上等绿茶,搭配浓郁的奶盖,口感独特。喝上一口,仿佛置身于桃花源,远离尘世的喧嚣。除此之外,还有“乌龙珍珠”、“桂花糖水”等多种茶饮供你选择。 除了茶饮,茶颜悦色还提供各式小吃。其中,最引人注目的是“红豆糕”和“芒果布丁”。红豆糕软糯香甜,芒果布丁细腻滑口,让人回味无穷。在这里,你可以一边品尝美食,一边欣赏店内装饰,享受一段悠闲的时光。 茶颜悦色不仅是一家茶饮店,更是一个充满故事的地方。在这里,你可以与朋友相聚,谈笑风生;可以独自一人,静静地品味生活。每当夜幕降临,华灯初上,茶颜悦色便会成为一道亮丽的风景线,吸引着无数行人驻足。 在上海这座繁华都市中,茶颜悦色以其独特的魅力,成为了人们心中的一抹宁静。在这里,你可以暂时放下生活的压力,尽情地享受这份美好。无论是与好友欢聚一堂,还是独自品味人生,茶颜悦色都能给你带来不一样的体验。 此外,茶颜悦色还注重环保,店内使用的餐具均为可降解材料,倡导绿色生活。在享受美食的同时,也为地球献出一份爱心。 总之,茶颜悦色这家茶饮店,以其独特的口味、优雅的环境和丰富的文化内涵,成为了上海都市生活中的一道亮丽风景。在这里,你可以找到属于自己的那份宁静,品味生活中的美好。不妨在闲暇之余,来这家茶饮店,与茶为伴,与人为邻,享受一段悠闲的时光。


踏入这家按摩会所,首先映入眼帘的是优雅的大堂。柔和的灯光、舒缓的音乐以及独具匠心的装饰,让人瞬间感受到一股轻松愉悦的氛围。热情的工作人员迎面而来,为我提供了细致周到的服务。在他们的引导下,我进入了休息区,宽敞舒适的环境让我迫不及待地想要享受这次按摩之旅。 休息区内的沙发柔软舒适,让人仿佛置身于一个温暖的怀抱。在这里,我品尝了一杯清香四溢的茶水,品味着生活的美好。随后,工作人员为我安排了个性化的按摩疗程。他们根据我的需求和身体状况,为我精心挑选了适合的按摩师。 进入按摩室,温馨舒适的氛围让我倍感放松。按摩床柔软舒适,专业的按摩师手法娴熟,让我在短时间内便忘记了生活的疲惫。他们运用各种按摩技巧,如推、揉、捏、敲等,帮助我舒缓肌肉紧张,缓解压力。在按摩师温暖的手掌和轻柔的力度下,我的身体逐渐放松,心灵也得到了净化。 除了专业的按摩服务,这家按摩会所还提供了一系列特色护理项目,如芳香疗法、身体磨砂等。在享受按摩的同时,我还可以选择这些项目,让身心得到更全面的放松。在芳香疗法的熏陶下,我仿佛置身于花海之中,心情愉悦,烦恼一扫而空。 这次柔和按摩体验让我深刻感受到了上海这座城市的魅力。在这里,不仅可以享受到专业的按摩服务,还可以体验到独特的文化氛围。无论是繁华的都市夜景,还是宁静的按摩空间,都让我流连忘返。 此外,这家按摩会所的价格也十分合理。与其他高端场所相比,这里的价格更加亲民,让更多的人能够享受到高品质的按摩服务。在这里,我找到了一个属于自己的宁静角落,让我在繁忙的生活中找到了片刻的宁静与放松。 总之,这次在上海的柔和按摩体验让我受益匪浅。在繁忙的生活中,给自己一段美好的时光,享受这份宁静与舒适,是一种难得的享受。我相信,这家按摩会所会成为我生活中的一部分,让我在未来的日子里,时刻保持身心健康,迎接生活中的挑战。