上海419论坛,上海龙凤花千坊,夜上海论坛,上海品茶工作室 约茶品茶工作室 Han Qingxue couldn’t even keep his waist straight when he saw Li Muyu’s face embarrassed.

Han Qingxue couldn’t even keep his waist straight when he saw Li Muyu’s face embarrassed.

Li Muyu’s face was frosty and just vented.
She rattled her teeth and clenched her fist fiercely, intending to go back and settle accounts afterwards. "Li Xuandao, I plan to exchange personal information of Han Tiandong with Han Qingxue in the sun. If you promise to nod, if you refuse to promise, we will break off diplomatic relations from now on!"
Break off diplomatic relations again!
Li Xuandao rolled his eyes and didn’t make a choice.
But Han Qingxue suddenly stopped laughing and looked at Li Mu fish strangely. "Han Tiandong … my God Li Mu fish, don’t tell me that you have seen that traitor Han Tiandong."
Chapter 39 Never give up if you commit thousands of felonies.
Chapter 39 Practice never giving up if you commit thousands of felonies.
Li Muyu and Li Xuandao looked at each other in doubt and asked, "So Han Tiandong has been expelled from the Han family?"
"Is it expelled from the Korean family?"
Han Qingxue sighed and put away his lively face with a serious way. "This demon has been completely removed from our Korean family. If we want to name him, our Korean family will feel ashamed."
"This is?"
Li Muyu was even more puzzled. "What did Han Tiandong do to make people angry and complain that he was so hated by the Korean family?"
"Anger and resentment?"
Han Qingxue smiled at himself and said lightly, "Your word is really appropriate, but can you take it seriously when you just said that you are willing to exchange news from Han Tiandong in the sun?"
Li Muyu caught a glimpse of Li Xuandao and nodded when he saw that the other party had no objection. "It’s true."
"Well, I’ll tell you what happened to Han Tiandong."
Han Qingxue took a deep breath and took out four pieces of spar room cloth. A simple sound insulation law was heard by others.
After doing this, she sat in a big chair and slowly said to the two.
The first family in Wu County, the Emperor of the Han Dynasty, is not only rich in information, but also rich in talents. Even the most talented people are not willing to give up their relatives.
Han Tiandong is such a person. He has shown unusual talent since he was a child, and when he was only ten years old, he stepped into the saint’s realm and became the youngest saint of the Korean family. At the age of fifteen, he had already cultivated to the ninth floor of the saint, which is likely to become the second spiritual realm of the Korean family.
He was given high hopes by the whole Korean family and got the bodhi old zu Zhen of the Korean family
When Han Jiama was about to usher in the second strong alchemist, something suddenly changed.
That happened last winter.
Being close to the Temple, the Sage Family of the Han family is also contaminated with the stink of the Temple, and has a strong sense of justice. Moreover, most of the younger brothers of the Han family have joined the Temple, and many brothers have cooperated with the Temple to fight together.
Last winter, the mysterious and wild mountains suddenly burst into a powerful evil force.
This evil spirit permeates through the heavens and the earth for thousands of meters, and the evil breath spreads to the Eagle City.
Temples immediately dispatched troops to launch a 100-member team to investigate Han Tiandong’s leisure activities in the wild mountains, and followed Temples team into the wild mountains to experience.
However, after they set foot in the wild mountains, they completely lost their trace, and at the same time, the evil spirit that soared into the sky disappeared.
Temples and Korea’s family sent more than ten waves to search in a row, but they didn’t find Han Tiandong and Temples.
It was not until two months later that Han Tiandong suddenly appeared.
He was covered in bloody evil spirits and walked out of the devil like an abyss hell. At the same time, when he returned to Korea, he poisoned his mother, assassinated his father and killed his straight hand and foot, and secretly joined forces with the blood lotus Sect to attack the Korean family and kill the whole Korean family!
Fortunately, the bodhi old zu came out from time to time and the temple helped stop Han Tiandong’s plot.
However, after Han Tiandong’s betrayal, the Korean family suffered a great blow, and Han Tiandong’s cruel means were outrageous. Every time he killed someone, he had to dig out the other person’s heart and swallow it like a devil.
Later, Han Jiahe Temple also sent experts to kill Han Tiandong one after another, but they were all killed by Han Tiandong. After so many times, Han Jiahe Temple had no spare capacity to kill the traitor.
"It’s hard to imagine how Han Tiandong’s sense of justice suddenly became so cruel. I couldn’t believe it if I hadn’t experienced it myself."
Speaking of which, Han Qingxue’s face is full of sadness. Obviously, she and Han Tiandong are serious
Li Muyu’s face is full of shock and mixed feelings. I don’t know what to say. I can stretch out my hand and pat Han Qingxue on the shoulder to express a comfort.
Has been casual Li Xuandao face suddenly dignified.
"You just said that this Han Tiandong poisoned his biological mother, assassinated his father, killed his straight hand and foot … and swallowed each other’s heart after killing each person?"
"That’s right"
Han Qingxue closed his eyes as if the bloody scene had been vivid today.
She quietly grasped the handrail, and her knuckles were pale with a hint of trembling. "It’s not only his immediate relatives, but also many younger brothers of our Korean family who were killed by him, and he killed them alive and buried them alive …"
At some point, Han Qingxue has already said that she can’t go, and her face is full of tears.
Li Muyu quickly comforted and looked thoughtful. Li Xuandao asked, "What’s the matter … Li Xuandao, did you find something?"
"Never give up!"
Li Xuandao expression eyes glittering way "condensed evil betrayal vicious cunning … negative thousand felony practice don’t lose heart! This is a very old way of practicing, which has been lost since ancient times. I don’t know where Han Tiandong got this way of practicing, but it has something to do with that evil spirit … "
"Never give up?"
Li Muyu frightened to disgrace Han Qingxue also stopped crying and stare big eyes.
"In ancient times, there was a saying that if the mind is wide-spread, the world will never die, and it will never give up."
Li Xuandao looked up to heaven with cold eyes and said, "This is a cruel cultivation method. You must bear thousands of sins to hone your mind to the point of immortality, but once this cultivation method appears, it will bring great disaster as a natural disaster. This cultivation method is called the natural disaster achievement method."

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