上海419论坛,上海龙凤花千坊,夜上海论坛,上海品茶工作室 桑拿夜网 Only when I recovered did I find myself back in the underground palace.

Only when I recovered did I find myself back in the underground palace.

Tianyang dark particles have almost bottomed out and launched a relic energy, which is not enough to support him to continue fighting like this.
The demon king dispersed his hand and gun, stretched out his hand and gently rubbed his chest, and the deep voice echoed in the palace.
"Long time no fisticuffs …"
"It’s really fun."
"It was just that close."
"I almost got rid of that guy."
"It would be nice if that little one could hold on for a while."
Tianyang is also at a loss.
This is a good fight. Why don’t you just leave?
How to clean up this rotten stall?
He had seen the king get up at dusk, and his sight broke down in the bleak light.
That line of sight is as heavy as the essence, and Tianyang is a little out of breath.
At dusk, the king seems to perceive Youhua and Tianyang, and his attitude towards teenagers has gone from being angry at first to being eager to kill.
This human being is dangerous
More dangerous than the first two!
At dusk, an idea floated in the king’s incomplete will.
Then the idea turned into a strong murder.
Tianyang was keenly aware of the pitfalls and could not help secretly complaining.
And this time the battlefield in the distance that let dusk king break the sickle of flesh and blood.
At this moment, patches of black fog rise on the sickle surface, and they condense into a pale figure.
There is a void in the floating hood, but there is a line of sight that also falls to Tianyang!
Chapter 62 Crazy idea
Is resisting the evening king that amazing but oppressive feeling, at the same time, the sun suddenly felt a chill in his back, and a chill rose from his heel and shot up his forehead along his spine.
This is?
I dare not sell my back to Wang Tianyang at dusk so that I can communicate with the black fog and establish a connection.
Black fog quickly builds a scene model, from the teenager’ looking’ in the model to a group of humanoid shadows with broken sickles flashing close to him.
Deathly saint!
The sun felt desperate.
The king of dusk is eyeing up ahead.
The ghost of the dead saint lingers behind.
Teenagers, no matter how conceited they are, know that they are definitely no match for the two.
A twilight king has made his head big, and adding a dead saint is a dead end!
Now, I have to activate the’ super acceleration’ mode to escape.
But even so, he is not absolutely sure that he can escape.
The teenager suddenly caught a glimpse of a black mark on the king at dusk.
That’s the saint of death. He creates scars.
There are six "scars" like this, and adding one more twilight king will come to an end.
Tianyang has a crazy idea of bold adventure in his heart!
At this time, the injury of the dusk king has recovered, and the demon king has given him trauma. The crystalline earth has done its best to support the dusk king, whose lost arm has been regenerated and his golden wings have been restored. The original dim light has returned to light.
There is a flash of thunder in a dim light!
A red thunder with uncertain throughput flashed from Tianyang’s eyes, and the thunder cut through the air to produce high fever, which almost made the teenager cry.
Then more thunder broke and chased the young figure to turn him into a coke!
Dancing, running, sprinting, circuitous, prancing and sideways moving in the sunlight.
He always escaped the release of Red Lei Guang by the King of Dusk.
He has learned the "fullness" granted by the sea of clouds, and with this unfamiliar skill, he barely managed to deal with the king of dusk.
At this time, the black fog landscape model has not been sent to the teenagers to observe it.

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