上海419论坛,上海龙凤花千坊,夜上海论坛,上海品茶工作室 品茶论坛,桑拿夜网 Friend replied, "I have made grenades, but I can’t spend enough money now."

Friend replied, "I have made grenades, but I can’t spend enough money now."

"…" Cockroach is in a coma. "This death is worth a hundred dollars, and then there are still 2001% words in my bank."
Bai Wen quickly comforted, "If you can’t do it for a while, force the line and we will protect your body for fifteen minutes."
The cockroach asked piteously, "Is the current line ok?"
"Afraid of what may not be our death" Wu Xin vomited a smoke turn leisurely. The bourgeoisie is not afraid of all paper tigers and real tigers love tiger oil.
Mei praised "true men" for studying in China, which has such sequelae to ensure that when Mei goes back, the color column often misbehaves.
"Sister, I have a tragic feeling again." Cockroaches are tragic and sad.
"One nautical mile is ready to be careful with guns!" The waves easily let Raytheon go straight into the water god from the side. The water god is still following the pace of Raytheon, but it’s all floating clouds. Even if you are a five-class ship with a speed of 100 knots, if you are picked up by a first-class boat, your speed can be improved.
"Hey!" Wu Xin shouted a sigh in the wind, "Please, at that time, the musket could still hit us one nautical mile away?"
"Your sister …" Cockroaches represent everyone’s dissatisfaction.
"Hey!" Wu Xin held his head and lay on the ground.
"We won’t you when …"
Dragonfly shouted "grape bomb!"
After a round of hail baptism, the only cockroach lost one-third of its life. Bai Wen hurriedly treated the cockroach and asked angrily, "Do you know what a wolf is coming when you are herding sheep?"
"This allusion is that we shepherds create hair" Wu Xin woke up.
"Half-nautical-mile docking, Lao Wang’s state is enriching blood"
Just as the dread is about to dock, the six ships behind the mountain will be hidden. It will be divided into two parts, and the front and rear double-barreled artillery dragons will finally arrive at the Element. Join in the battle for a line of ships. The artillery battle is not heavy. Either grapes or hammer can become the top ten ship gunners, and there must always be special bombs with chicken ribs.
When the first pre-prepared ship was in danger of sinking, the standard docking ship was selected. The Richie was elected to complete the campaign. It is a fact that pirates are always stronger than ordinary ships in single-soldier and single-boat battles, especially in deck battles. Pirates are not only well equipped, but also very good at playing small groups. Think about it, some ordinary players are either big PK, or they may not even have a chance to play deck battles. It is rare to fight once a month. Like pirates, they fight several times a day. This accumulated fighting experience and teamwork are the most valuable software in group battles, while the equipment is their hardware. Robbers are not bad.
Richie is also the group with the strongest deck warfare ability in this ship. It is also a strategic means to screw by receiving the ship’s side and shooting other ships in the cold.
Of course, all the former dreads can hold out until they destroy Raytheon.
When the Dreadnaught approached, the Water God set up guns along the ship’s edge, and then put them in one round. After putting them in the front row, they retreated and squatted in the back row, and then put them back to fight with the opposing archers. The dragonfly said, "They are recreating the pirate fighting process."
It seems to be a situation that the spears are fierce on land, but the sea doesn’t pose much real threat to the crew of the dread. Bai Wendao said, "Pirates were very interesting at that time. Although the captain was a ship, the pirate’s income was a bit like the shareholding system. Half of the robbery money was distributed to pirates, but the distribution was made by the captain. Some captains were unwilling to distribute it, which would lead to low morale. Pirates did well when the naval line was tangled and replaced the captain. For example, Blackbeard made great contributions when he was a sailor. His first ship was his former captain who gave him 36 guns from a powerful three-
Countdown to docking …
When the time came, a group of pirates waved their weapons and jumped to the dread. After all, the third-class ship of the dread was shorter than others. Not only did it jump, but it also grabbed the rope and swung over. The cockroach raised its hand and shot a pirate who swung the rope. The pirate fell on the deck and the cockroach quilt was isolated for one meter. The left hand played the right hand to kill the skill. Two pirates huddled together and didn’t fight back at all.
Wuxin’s one-meter passage is the position where the ship meets the goddess along the shore. This is the result of a sharp shift of the waves. It is the best formation for the crew’s deck combat ability. The single pair of Wuxin’s hands are confident to point and throw into the sea, and then point and throw into the sea. With the support of Dr. Bai Wen, he is not afraid of repeating his own movement for half a minute with a knife and gun. Five pirates have entered the sea.
Mei, the fighter is very experienced in judo wrestling. Although there is no acupuncture, he is not soft in throwing people.
In the first three minutes, the pirates were hit hardest, and nearly 30 pirates were killed.
But the situation always gets higher. The dragonfly shouted, "They took the ladder and want to climb the quilt."
"You figured it out so soon?" Jumping at Mianbei Mountain will attack the logistics personnel and cause waves to shout "Friends will kill them" to the three main bearers.
"coming!" After the quilt, the friend Grenade was thrown out and fell behind the quilt mountain. The Grenade was not covered again, and this is not an ordinary Grenade, but a special smoke bomb. The effect is not as good as that of human throwing smoke.
What is this? This is to make room for one person to come out with smoke, and the other party will attack the dragonfly by lookout. Immediately, the pirates can’t see their arrows in the smoke, and there is no chance to pull out the arrows. The two quilt mountains are firmly defended by professional dragonflies.
From the broadcast, the dread is in chaos, but the battle is organized. I don’t know how long this organization will last, but their belief is that we will come to the bridge when we can’t hold on.
NPC has a state of not being afraid of death, which puts a lot of pressure on Wei Hao. Although the wind is smooth, it has been forced by pirates because of the need to move. Dragonflies have to support Mei to cope with the offensive in their busy schedule. Everything seems to be carried out in the online game mode.
Until the wind blows …
When the wind blows and the smoke dissipates too fast, the special Grenade of Youer is immediately restricted. The lookout can resume attacking the dragonfly. The dragonfly can fight against it and suppress it. Everyone is white. Once the dragonfly does not contain the lookout, the target of the lookout is three main bearers and logistics doctors.
Mei, first of all, it’s urgent!

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