上海419论坛,上海龙凤花千坊,夜上海论坛,上海品茶工作室 桑拿会所 Lynn doesn’t know the secret, but it’s obviously a good thing.

Lynn doesn’t know the secret, but it’s obviously a good thing.

At present, all these remaining Chaetoceros died of virus infection, releasing a large number of viruses from the corpse and floating in the water, which dyed the water bright red.
Lin let some basic cells swim over and let them swim in the virus group to recover these viruses into the body
Sure enough, although Lin cells will be infected and red, there is no problem, and it will not affect the action, and it will not be fatal.
Lin called these cells infected, and a new kind of cells was born, which was powerful and destructive.
If we make good use of it, maybe the virus can easily destroy a huge cell population, but it also has problems.
The biggest problem is that cells killed by viruses are inedible.
Just like Chaetomium sp. was killed by virus, they left some fragments of outer membrane, and there was almost nothing left.
Even if it is corroded and festered by acid injection, there is still a lot to eat.
And those infected people don’t know if there will be any problems even if they seem to have no problems now.
Then Lin also did some tests on the infected person. The infected person can really eat normally, but the speed of action will become slow, and most of the food eaten is actually owned by the virus, because the growth and division speed of the infected person is obviously much slower than that of his uninfected cells when eating.
Moreover, infected people can also transform into other species like the original basic cells.
In this way, the infected person can be said to be a virus tool. The infected person can always carry the virus and then let the virus spread around with cell division and so on.
Lin knows that it is not a good thing that the virus does not harm its cells, but she just wants to find a host to be used as a tool to continue to reproduce herself.
Lin won’t let the number of infected people be too large. A small part of the cells of infected people who just absorbed the virus will be left behind, and most of them will be taken to the huge crack where hot water is ejected and disposed of by Lin.
Lin left ten infected people. If there is any crisis in the future, Lin can also use this virus as a last resort.
However, Lin has to face an opponent who doesn’t seem to have life.
Lin noticed from a very early age that those small groups of cells that often appeared in this rock area in search of food no longer appeared.
But that’s not because Lin occupied most of the area, but because of something else.
The sense of touch has been enhanced, and the whole cell group can clearly feel … the water trembling.
Chapter 16 Water Flow
Lin’s plan is to continue to occupy this rock and occupy all the food cracks, but the sudden flow of water interrupted her idea.
Shui Lin’s understanding is that there is water all over the sky, so that cells can move. Water has always been very quiet, but sometimes it instantly turns into deadly ice crystals, and sometimes it becomes so violent and terrible.
A torrent swept the mat at high speed and passed through the whole rock area. Several cells were instantly rolled up by this current and disappeared.
Lin let most of the cells hide behind some high rocks, and diggers and cone-shaped cells can also insert themselves in the crevices of rocks in a zigzag way, but this also prevents the community from losing a lot of staff.
Another torrent rushed through a large number of cells and was out of Lin’s sight as soon as it was rushed out.
It’s lost more than 3 thousand
Lin silently counted the numbers, and the cells that were washed away did not actually leave Lin’s mind. Lin could still feel them, but when Lin asked them to swim back, they would soon be washed farther and more scattered by the rapids. After several consecutive times, Lin felt that they had almost no hope of swimming back.
Lin didn’t know that the current would become like this, just as she didn’t know that the water would suddenly freeze. Even if the community increased, Lin still had many puzzles. In the face of the violent water, Lin didn’t even have a chance to resist.
This torrent is not continuous, but intermittent, wave after wave, and it is difficult for Lin to calculate the timing at all.
Another wave of water washed away a lot of cells, and Lin didn’t want to wait to die. Who knows how long these waters will last? If you go to Linshao in this way, 9% of the community will be lost, and some of them will be left to hide from stones.

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Sharnoff’s shield protects himself now, and his earlier swordsmen still can’t resist the other side’s sword and whip. Of course, it’s even more unfavorable to see him suddenly jump back a few steps and lose his shield. His hands are raised in surrender, and Zongxuan hates his teeth, but he can’t start work. It’s a shame that Sharnoff’s first-class master status was defeated and he immediately surrendered in front of the public when he first appeared! He is so crafty, vicious and shameless. Others really sneer at him with disdain. Shaernov went over and picked up the shield with no confidence, and praised Zongxuan with a thumbs up. He was so angry that Zongxuan was tearing his hair out. This is a fact that it is hard to meet the shame generation in his life, but he can be comforted that he finally won this game. When he turned back to the floating platform to accept everyone’s congratulations, his anger gradually subsided.Sharnoff’s shield protects himself now, and his earlier swordsmen still can’t resist the other side’s sword and whip. Of course, it’s even more unfavorable to see him suddenly jump back a few steps and lose his shield. His hands are raised in surrender, and Zongxuan hates his teeth, but he can’t start work. It’s a shame that Sharnoff’s first-class master status was defeated and he immediately surrendered in front of the public when he first appeared! He is so crafty, vicious and shameless. Others really sneer at him with disdain. Shaernov went over and picked up the shield with no confidence, and praised Zongxuan with a thumbs up. He was so angry that Zongxuan was tearing his hair out. This is a fact that it is hard to meet the shame generation in his life, but he can be comforted that he finally won this game. When he turned back to the floating platform to accept everyone’s congratulations, his anger gradually subsided.

Lei Shi pushed secretly to Zong Xuan and said, "Will Qin Shuangbo peep out the flaw when you make the magic whip stunt, and recognize that you are the boat