Li Xuandao sounds like a demon whispering.

His eyes were flashing scarlet lotus flower, and his right hand was half cut, and the ghosting was caught straight towards Zhang Ma ‘an.
The faint scream made Zhang Ma feel a huge earthquake.
It’s like a knife cutting the wind, but it’s even more exciting.
"I can’t stop it!"
The sixth floor of the sage is stained with magic gas, and Zhang Ma can’t stop a four-story practitioner from attacking!
If you say it, it will definitely make people laugh.
However, Zhang Ma has no mind to consider these. His heart is occupied by deep panic and his head has an idea.
"Give it to me!"
Zhang Ma explodes and drinks a magic gas, which rises and shrinks instantly ~ Li Xuandao’s momentum turns around and escapes towards the distance.
Suddenly, there was a burst of roaring, and suddenly a darkness appeared on the top of the head.
"Ha ha, come on."
"We are waiting for you"
"Come on, come on, stay with us."
Zhang Ma looked up with horror, but suddenly appeared in front of him when he saw the evocation complications.
The detained evocator Chu Shenghai, Chu Qianhuan and Chu Huarong waved to him while laughing at him.
"This … how is that possible?"
Zhang Ma trembled and evokes the soul. The reality is too abrupt and stands the only way for him to escape.
From a distance, it looks like Zhang Ma himself is flying towards the evocation complications.
If you want to change the path, you can’t come, and Li Xuandao’s murder will eventually approach
Zhang Ma suddenly clenched his teeth and swelled his body, and the magic gas rushed straight into the evocation fan to make the magic gas suddenly break through this magic weapon.
He rushed into the necromancer’s coffin and detained the three Chu family members.
"The cage of heaven and earth!"
"Wanmu Hang Seng!"
Three strokes flashed with different colors, and the magical powers exploded in unison.
"What are you doing?"
Zhang Ma was surprised that he didn’t respond at such a close distance.
Three strokes of avatar qi qi greeted him and blew away most of his magic gas. Soon, his whole person threw himself into the evocation coffin and was immediately covered by several evil spirits, who could give out screams and gradually lost his figure.
Li Xuandao cold pack up evocation complications raised his head and looked Chu Sifang.
One look scared Chu’s spirits from all directions.
Chu Sifang want to also don’t want to twist a head toward the distance.
But as soon as his body moved, he was trapped by a huge pulling force. He bowed his head in horror and saw that he did not know when several silver silk threads were wrapped around him!
"You also come!"
The evocation banner appeared in front of Chu Sifang in an instant.
Chu Qianhuan, Chu Huarong and Chu Shenghai, three familiar faces, were evocative and gave him a gentle smile.
Chu Sifang growled and was instantly swallowed up by the evocation complications.
Soon the whole day was instantly silent.
Dead silence
Onlookers are looking at the sky that proudly figure qi qi was dumbfounded.
Come on!
It’s really too fast
Just now, it was difficult to tell the outcome of the battle. With Li Xuandao’s breakthrough, the battle was laid.
Zhang Ma and Chu Sifang were completely nullified by Li Xuandao for their root resistance.
However, no matter if Zhang Ma and Chu Sifang are dead, the major strengths of these Beijing cities and the families are no longer worried about retaliation.
At this moment, Li Xuandao even killed Zhang Ma and Chu Sifang, two masters, with high morale and murderous look.
But he didn’t stop because he could feel the darkness, and his eyes were still wandering around him.
The battle is not over!
"Come on!"
Li Xuandao took a deep breath, his eyes were red, and his face was rebellious. "A group of rats with hidden heads and exposed tails. Who else wants me to summon spirits? Come all of you!"
Chapter 365 Ba Tian fiend Ba Na magic fire
Chapter 369 All the enemies gathered in the sword to refer to Li Xuandao.
Jinghua city was silent.
Li Xuandao’s wild and overbearing voice echoed throughout the day.
Hiding from the dark and observing the crowd, it was like feeling wrong. They held their breath and looked around blankly one by one.
Suddenly there was a slight rupture. A young man in a white sword robe was shining like the sun. The sword light fell from the sky with his feet on his feet. He was surrounded by frost. The whole person’s breath was as cold as freezing. He looked at Li Xuandao with a pair of eyes full of murder.
"Li Xuandao, you killed my younger brother Ziyao. Today I need your blood to pay homage to my younger brother’s dead soul!"
Teenager’s voice is like the cold wind of December blowing into the bone marrow of all people.
"My day this person is not white? Taibai Jianzong’s true brother, the sage, is a seven-story master! "
"Aren’t he and Li Xuandao both Taibai Jianzong people? Why should they kill each other?"
"Murphy … Ziyao was really killed by Li Xuandao?"
The onlookers caused a stir.
However, before the sound fell, there was another crack.

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