上海419论坛,上海龙凤花千坊,夜上海论坛,上海品茶工作室 品茶论坛,桑拿夜网 [Congratulations on winning the copy voucher for everything! 】

[Congratulations on winning the copy voucher for everything! 】

"Everything copy voucher?" Lin Yue took a deep breath of relief. This is … What a miracle!
【 Everything Copy Voucher can copy things made by survivors, obtained from treasure boxes, searched for secrets and relics except design drawings, shelters and various biological treasure boxes 】
Lin Yue looked at this series of descriptions and confirmed that it was a sacred object!
"Everything can be copied except design drawings and shelters and all kinds of creatures?" Lin Yue took out this appearance and design without much difference, and gently stroked it.
There is no doubt that this should be the most valuable thing from one to the present.
"So what do you want to copy?"
Lin Yue is quite excited now. Think about it. This can break the "rules" and what can be "freely copied". This is far beyond what the original earth has technology.
Rummaging through things, Lin Yue came to the basement warehouse again, examining one by one what he had obtained, and his excitement gradually calmed down.
Lin Yue shook his head at the edge of the warehouse shelf.
"What am I doing in such a hurry? This kind of good thing should be kept until it meets something worth copying instantly. "
Lin Yue finally completely calmed down.
How good this thing is. If he doesn’t come out after he knows it, he will regret it.
Good steel goes to the blade.
Will copy everything voucher received Lin Yue out of the warehouse to look at the aisle has not come to deal with the rail.
He decided to deal with the immediate matter first.
Moved the workbench out, put it through the exoskeleton and lifted a rail. Lin Yue quickly got what he wanted.
[You got manganese steel block 2]
Manganese steel alloy!
Lin Yue did know something about manganese steel. This is the thing that makes the bulldozer excavator bucket extremely wear-resistant.
The rails on the ground disappeared, and the workbench decomposed into pieces of shining metal blocks on the ground. The amount of manganese steel alloy obtained by Lin Yue also increased gradually!
When the last rail disappeared, Lin Yue found that this time the total amount of manganese steel alloy directly came to 64 high figures!
Before, he always relied on him. Survivors needed a lot of vegetables, fruits or other things in exchange for them. In the end, they didn’t get much, and they were all hard aluminum alloys and various copper alloys, which were not suitable for the "alloy refuge" materials he had been pursuing.
Moreover, these alloys have been consumed in various ways since they came out of the higher-grade treasure chest.
Now that we have got so much manganese steel, Lin Yue feels that he seems to be able to build an alloy shelter for it, which has been made for various reasons!
"Manganese alloy should be worse than titanium alloy, but it seems to be more suitable in this different world?"
Lin Yue returned to the ground and Xiaobai was waiting for him outside. His little ice lizard was chasing and playing in the yard.
"Xiaobai, let the little ice lizards get together first. We’re going to build a new shelter!"
"Ga blare? Hey? " Xiaobai looked up at the huge shelter next to her eyes and heard something wrong by herself.
But the master seems to have never said what he said. He hurriedly called the little ice lizards to prevent them from getting in the way.
Lin Yue took out the design and took a deep breath.
Is it finally going to be established? This is the "ultimate" refuge!
[Alloy Shelter]
[Area 6㎡]
[Need alloy (unlimited) 6 pieces of wood, 1 piece of stone, 1 piece of iron, 3 pieces of glass (unlimited)]
The alloy is manganese steel, the quantity of which is just enough for his needs, and Lin Yue also gains in turn.
All the materials are left is to choose the place to put them.
[You made the alloy shelter design, please choose the construction classification]
[1] The shelter can be placed in topography or ground by building it alone]
[2] The combined construction can be integrated with the existing shelters to expand the shelter area]
"choose to build alone"
[Please select a place to put it or a place to put it]
Although it is an alloy refuge, it is relatively more dangerous than the earth.
The only shortcoming of the refuge after the earthquake disaster has been overcome.
If you choose, then this lightning strike is indeed a problem. This metal guy Lin Yueke dare not put it on the ground.
Lin Yue, the former iron shelter, was also treated like this, and it was impossible to put it on the surface.
However, it is true that the shelter is much better than the ground, ensuring that there is no earthquake and the sealing is excellent. Most disasters can be overcome.
If he had this at the time of the earthquake, he wouldn’t have made any triangular walls.
[Please select the construction site]
As the tone rang again, Lin Yue found a green rectangular light curtain.

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