"PSST …"

There was a faint air extraction in the Chaotian Temple.
Many officials stared at the minister.
The Zhao family is in full swing. Do you dare to jump out and ask parents and sisters to go and kiss? It’s not like this to find a hammer
"Don’t take me to wait for Assistant Minister Su to die!"
Some people scold in their hearts
w w w
At that moment, the official who came out was isolate.
Officials around him don’t retreat for fear of being looked back. It seems that Zhao Shuai keeps an eye on this guy, but he also holds the post of deputy director of the execution department!
"But Lord Su, the left assistant minister of does?"
Zhao wrong face looked as usual.
But officials can see that his eyes are cold.
Sue assistant minister eyelid jump unconsciously lowered his head can also crustily skin of head.
"Zhao Shuai should focus on the overall situation, and now it is worried about foreign invasion. If it can get the help of the dragon, it will definitely quell the chaos of abolishing the emperor."
He said that he was also sympathetic to Zhao Xiaogong and solemnly worshipped him.
He was right if the empress dowager was not in power.
But Zhao thief is monolithic now!
"What a coward"
Zhao fault unceremoniously issued a sharp accusation.
Assistant Minister Su’s face suddenly turned red. Which man can stand such an insult? What’s worse, in public.
He glared at the little grandfather, but he didn’t dare to say anything about the counterattack with his mouth open. Now I’m afraid no one in the court can challenge the champion Hou.
"The general fought to recover Ningguo? Can you have the slightest idea about the battle of crossing the city? "
Zhao fault calmly looked out to support and pro-Soviet assistant minister.
He risked his life several times, which is also a family illness.
At this time, do others talk about their sister?
"General great power the furious …"
Sue assistant minister cold sweat.
But he still doesn’t feel that there is something wrong with his words.
The empress dowager empress is the decider of this matter. It is obvious that the dragon alliance is beneficial and it is normal to accept it.
"I have risked my life many times, but I am afraid that the people will not be humiliated by foreign enemies, but you will humiliate yourself!"
Zhao’s face is as cold as frost, approaching a pale assistant minister Su.
"Officer wholeheartedly …"
"Shut up!"
General Zhao cut him short.
"I see you are going to put the queen mother empress in injustice! If you agree with your kindness, do you have to be pointed out by all the people? "
"Someone will resign and thank Heaven!"
Assistant Minister Su was forced to grind his teeth.
"What are you!"
Zhao wrong turned toward the first bead curtain.
"Su thief’s presumptuous discussion and pro-desire made the court lose the people’s hearts. Please ask the empress dowager to hand this over to the execution department to discuss the crime!"
When this word came out, it suddenly shocked the whole house. The champion Hou is going to make people die. How can there be a way for people to get to the execution department?
"Also please queen mother jian! If Daxie can turn to danger, he is willing to die! "
Assistant Minister Su fell to his knees in death.
Of course, he has regretted it in his heart, but the law can go all the way back to the end
Who would have thought that Zhao thief was so aggressive that he wanted to kill him directly, but one of his assistant ministers could not be easily taken …
"General Zhao has been involved in the danger of the country for three times and twice, but he wants to make his sister marry the dragon and set up a palace on the ground?"
The devil wears Prada is not angry, but her voice drops.
Sue assistant minister suddenly like falling ice froze in place.
Very few officials who are eager to move are also cold-blooded.
"Come on! Take this rogue thief to the execution department for conviction. "
It’s hard to believe that all the civil servants in the Manchu Dynasty are Zhao Xiaogong, except for an assistant minister? Isn’t the surname Zhao in the future court?
However, after the demon queen issued such a severe accusation, they could not plead. This is a death wish.
Assistant Minister Su will die if he arrives at the Execution Department.
"The queen mother is holy!"
Little grandfather saluted with a sigh of relief.
He knew that bad women wouldn’t do anything to make themselves feel bad.
Besides, he should not focus on the fact that his sister is being stared at.
"Do you have anything to play?"
"I speak …"

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