上海419论坛,上海龙凤花千坊,夜上海论坛,上海品茶工作室 桑拿夜网 Both of them are in such a state of mind, but it is not a good phenomenon for Zhao Li. Fortunately, Zhao Lishi took out batons and how much can he resist the other party’s blows with batons?

Both of them are in such a state of mind, but it is not a good phenomenon for Zhao Li. Fortunately, Zhao Lishi took out batons and how much can he resist the other party’s blows with batons?

Obviously, the other two enemies didn’t expect Zhao Li to have such a superb police abduction technique. With his bare hands, he got a hurry-scurry and was about to take out an army stab to fight back when he suddenly saw a scene that made them feel terrified. Zhao Li actually pressed several buttons on his wrist in the shape of a wrist watch.
Final defense activated? The thought flashed through my mind, but I was a little absent-minded. In a second, tons of high-explosive drugs will be sent to heaven here, even the power of the world may not be able to bear it.
What are the consequences if Zhao Li doesn’t manage it? At this time, it seems that he has been alerted. If he doesn’t start it, there will be no chance, so he decisively entered the password.
The other party’s absence made Zhao Li feel the opportunity. No matter what will happen next, the two enemies can’t let go of the remote control and throw their hands at one person’s face, but they catch the other person in a hurry.
At this time, the young man finally looked at the screen and turned green. The progress bar laughed. "Report the final defense breach!" Then the red button flashed on the screen to make him stay "Shit, he has already started!" " Yelling in the mouth, the keyboard with both hands is not normal.
"Well done! Damn it! " Before and after, two completely different praises came from the leader’s mouth, "Stop the horse!" This is nonsense. No, he told the young people to fuck
Instantaneous leader guy think of what general "horse up! When all the manpower attacks are the shortest, grab people out and kill them! "
"Stop it quickly!" After all this, the leader turned his face to the young man.
"I work hard!" The young man almost consciously distinguished his hand without stopping. "Besides, I’m helping. Don’t try to order me!"
"Good, then work harder!" The leader said this and added, "Let me give you some motivation!" As soon as the voice fell, I heard a gunshot, and then the young man’s head was hit by something.
Sweat flowed from the young man’s face like a waterfall, but he didn’t care to wipe it. It seemed to speed up a little bit by hand, and the keyboard sounds were like practice.
At the moment, Zhao Li has just put his hand from his opponent’s arm in front of him, followed by two guys lying on the ground, rib severely, two-legged carriers, overbearing and arrogant, and the true qi attack made them almost unconscious without saying anything.
This is still not insurance. Zhao Li still mistakenly thought about the cervical vertebrae of two people in a coma according to the first person’s treatment method, and pulled up a few potted plants to cover the three people’s figure.
For such a long time, the last means of self-destruction has not happened. There must have been some accident. Even if we can’t stop this large-scale prison robbery, Zhao Li hopes to leave a few survivors and have a chance to trace it.
I don’t know if these people targeted several people or if the Ministry will think that no one killed them.
A few screams come out from the familiar line. Zhao Li can recognize those are prison guards. I didn’t expect them to be so strong. Those special prison guards had no room for resistance, and they had been solved in such a short time.
"What do you mean by their warships rising?" In addition, the leader who saw the strange behavior of the warships here was puzzled and immediately the horse reacted. "Damn, they certainly didn’t solve the final defense Ma Sheng! Tell the noodle people to be careful! "
In front of the terminal screen, the young people’s hands seem to have reached the extreme, and their fingers and keyboards are flying, so they can’t see the outline clearly. Finally, the screen shows a green state indicating that the red warning will never appear again.
The young man took a long breath, and his whole seat was flaccid. He wished he could not slip out to the table at once. This intense exercise seemed to be more tiring than an hour of strenuous exercise outside him.
"Not bad!" The shoulder was patted by the leader, but the young man waved and leaned back, never wanting to talk again.
The leader also ignored him. He had finished. All that was left was to see those guys. "Everyone speed up. Finally, the defense has been lifted for five minutes. End the battle!" Perhaps the news was very exciting and there was a cheer on his face.
For such a long time, the final defense has been determined that Zhao Li has cursed it mercilessly. I don’t know whether to curse those designers or curse these prison robbers. They got up and rushed out quickly.
Touching three masked guys right against the face, three guys didn’t say anything, but it was very tacit. Three punches came from Zhao Li, and one guy left two punches, all of which bombarded Zhao Li’s chest. Two huge forces, like a sledgehammer bombarding Zhao Li’s basic body-building skills, condensed the true qi, also came quickly and rushed to the chest to block such destructive forces. One mouthful of blood was already spewing out, and people fell heavily before landing, and they lost consciousness at the moment.
Three people are even less interested in taking another look at Zhao Li. It seems that they have decided what it is like to get those two punches.
Swinging in the cell passage, three people seemed to be wary of each other and looked at each other. No one moved. Then a group of people rushed in outside and watched the three people confront each other without saying anything, no matter what the cell department violently beat before.
"I found it!" "I found it!" "I found it!" For the third time in a row, three confrontation guys all smiled, but they covered their faces but couldn’t see the expression and saw the smile in their eyes.
Chapter sixty-five Life and death struggle
Zhao Li still smells a familiar fragrance in his confusion, which seems to have appeared in his dream a long time ago. At the same time, there seems to be a very relaxing heat flow, and his body seems to be very comfortable in a warm liquid.
The subconscious doesn’t seem to want to wake up yet, but the name qi has been circulating, and it seems that even in a coma, the name qi has not stopped circulating.
Far away, it seems that someone is calling his name. The sound is so soft and charming that Zhao Li can’t help but want to indulge when he hears it.
"Who called me?" Zhao Li screamed in a daze. When he heard the sound made by Zhao Li, it seemed that the sound immediately stopped calling. Then Zhao Li felt relaxed and fell into a deep sleep again.
When I woke up again, Zhao Li felt indescribable pain, especially when her chest seemed to have broken two big holes, and hot water was poured into it. It was usually very difficult to breathe, even breathing carefully could cause a burst of pain.
"yeah!" Zhao Li groaned as if he felt better. As soon as the sound came out, he heard someone calling softly in his ear, "Zhao Li! Zhao Li! "
It’s the familiar sound again. Zhao Li tried to open his eyes and saw a pair of dream eyes smiling like flowers, which made people unconsciously immerse themselves in the beautiful and charming face. Where is this? Is it heaven? There’s another beautiful woman who look exactly like Christine?
"Christine?" Zhao Li screamed weakly, and then the horse with poor breathing caused a severe cough.
"Don’t move and don’t talk!" Christine’s jade hand gently pressed Zhao Li’s chest, and a relaxing heat flow came in again, and the chest pain was relieved immediately, which made me feel much better.
Seeing Christine’s familiar face and hearing Christine’s voice on her chest, I feel that Zhao Li has finally completely understood that he is not dead and not qualified to enter heaven. The person in front of him is that he once knew Christine, sir.
Where is this? Zhao Li’s eyes moved and saw a familiar white area. All kinds of flashing instruments and jumping screen displays all said that this was a ward with very advanced medical equipment.
Then everything that happened before came back to my mind. It seems as if someone should have robbed the prison on a large scale. After being attacked by three masked guys, he was seriously injured and comatose. Since this is already a hospital, I don’t know the result. What about the prisoners? What about those prison guards?
I tried to twist my head to take a closer look, but Christine stopped me. "You are seriously injured now. Don’t move and don’t talk." A hose was stuffed into Zhao Li’s mouth. "This is a nutrient solution. Drink if you are thirsty."
After what she said, Zhao Licai felt thirsty and greedy. Taking a few mouthfuls and getting a little cold into her stomach seemed to make her feel better. She couldn’t help but drink a few more mouthfuls, but swallowing seems to involve chest pain, which is very sad.

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正文: 夜幕降临,华灯初上,上海梁平区的夜色逐渐揭开神秘的面纱,呈现出一片璀璨的光影世界。这座繁华都市的夜景,如同精心编织的画卷,每一笔每一划都透露着独特的韵味和魅力。 梁平区,作为上海的重要区域之一,近年来在城市建设、文化传承、旅游发展等方面取得了显著成果。夜晚的梁平区,更是成为了一道亮丽的风景线,吸引着无数市民和游客前来观赏。 首先,梁平区的建筑景观是夜晚的一大亮点。沿江而建的高楼大厦,如同一座座巍峨的钢铁巨塔,耸立在城市的天际线。尤其是那些摩天大楼,在灯光的映衬下,流光溢彩,宛如一颗颗璀璨的明珠。而那些具有历史底蕴的建筑,如梁平大桥、中山公园等,则以其独特的造型和典雅的风格,成为夜晚梁平区的标志性建筑。 其次,梁平区的灯光秀更是让人目不暇接。每当夜幕降临,各大商场、景区纷纷亮起璀璨的灯光,上演一场场视觉盛宴。例如,徐家汇商圈的灯光秀,将现代科技与建筑艺术完美结合,呈现出极具未来感的视觉体验。而位于黄浦江畔的滨江灯光秀,则以其浪漫的氛围和梦幻的视觉效果,成为了情侣们约会的好去处。 此外,梁平区的光影艺术装置也是夜晚的一大亮点。在首届上海国际光影节期间,梁平区举办了一系列光影艺术活动,吸引了众多游客前来观赏。这些光影艺术装置,或抽象、或具象,为梁平区的夜晚增添了一抹独特的艺术气息。 当然,梁平区的夜景之美,离不开市民和游客的积极参与。每当夜幕降临,人们纷纷走出家门,或漫步在街头,或驻足于江边,欣赏这美丽的夜景。在这片璀璨的光影世界中,人们感受到了城市的活力和魅力,也找到了属于自己的那份归属感。 值得一提的是,梁平区的夜景之美,不仅体现在视觉上,更体现在文化底蕴上。在夜晚,市民和游客可以欣赏到各种精彩纷呈的文化活动。如上海国际电影节、上海国际艺术节等,这些活动不仅丰富了市民的精神文化生活,也提升了梁平区的文化品位。 总之,上海梁平区的璀璨夜景,犹如一颗璀璨的明珠,镶嵌在繁华的都市之中。它以其独特的魅力,吸引着无数市民和游客前来观赏。在这片光影世界中,我们不仅可以感受到城市的繁华与活力,还可以体会到文化的底蕴与魅力。让我们共同期待,梁平区这颗璀璨的明珠,在未来绽放更加耀眼的光芒。